There are 11 Mckay wave jammers with their location spread across El Este in the Far Cry 6. All the locations are visible in the El Este range towards the north-east direction, and they are a circle with red color spots that shows their existence. If players have the search, they have the advantage of figuring out the number of jammers they conquered and the number of jammers that are left. There is no need to have the list of the quest before destroying these jammers. Players have to disable the circuit box to destruct the jammer, so they must climb towards the wave jammers to reach the exact spot. The guide is here to visible the path for players to visit all locations but the most straightforward route to see these locations is to see them from the helicopter in the sky as the light on each site are blinks to visualize. What are McKay Wave Jammer Locations in Far Cry 6? Far Cry 6 All McKay Wave Jammer Locations.What are McKay Wave Jammer Locations in Far Cry 6?.